Recognized by Charity Aid foundation America for the United States territories
Upon completion of documentary and verification work that went on for several months, finally in January 2022 we were recognized by Charities Aid Foundation America (CAF America) as an eligible non-profit organization to propose projects and collect donations on the territory of the United States in accordance with as provided and required by American law.
CAF America is a global organization that assists associations and foundations around the world guaranteeing on the one hand the seriousness and credibility towards donors, and on the other hand the simplification of the granting process to eliminate the risks related to fraud, corruption, extortion and money laundering.
US donors cannot donate directly to foreign nonprofits and obtain a tax deduction. As a US public charity, CAF America is able to accept funds from US donors who can then recommend CAF America to use those funds to support foreign charitable organizations or projects they care about.
Thanks to this model CAF America has already provided more than $ 2 billion in charitable donations to organizations in over 120 countries around the world.
We happy and proud to have been able to obtain this important recognition thanks to the serious work we have been carrying out since our establishment.